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Truck Beach

By Judi Desiderio, Wednesday, June 22, 2016
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I would like to weigh in on the issue of “truck beach”—a real hot potato… or should I say hot sand? I am stupefied by the town’s decision to fight this for 7 years and vow to continue the fight should the judge not rule in their favor. While I see both sides of this issue, I clearly see a resolution that will not cost the town a dime AND allow for only fishermen pulling in nets to continue as the town claims has happened for many years.

Nearly 30 years ago I sold both properties at the end of Mitchell Dunes Lane… the oceanfront properties. At that time there truly was only the occasional dawn or dusk fisherman casting his or her line in… frankly, I never saw a fisherman hauling in his nets as the town describes.

One of those purchasers has become a lifelong dear friend of mine and my family… so I have spent many days at that beach. The current use of the shoreline is not even remotely close to what East Hampton Town describes as its allowable use and hasn’t been for many years.

Did you know it is the ONLY ‘drive on’ beach that is not on public lands? Did you also know that just to the east is NY State Parkland? That is THE ANSWER! If truck beach were relocated to this state land there is NO ISSUE! Private property owner rights are then not in question. The town claims this is a title issue. The lawsuit that has cost taxpayers TENS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS will cease instantly. Local residents who enjoy driving on the beach and parking there for the day will continue to enjoy the activity… Just a few feet to the East! A WIN WIN situation for EVERYONE! Property owners, taxpayers, and beach driving enthusiasts!

Town residents who wish to drive on the beach will need to get a NY State pass to drive and park there and may even need a NYS fishing license, but remember that WAS the original allowable use as described by East Hampton Town. It has been asked – why not allow driving on every town beach – this would dilute the impact on this beach. Or impose the same hours of use as on other town beaches. Let’s also consider the impact on the environment… the precious dunes with its important vegetation, the piping plovers and other wildlife.

We can open Pandora’s Box and discuss the importance of comfort stations – which there currently are none. On the state land this could all be cured with cooperation. If a resolution is the true object, the answer is right in front of everyone’s eyes. I am befuddled at why this simple and comprehensive resolution has not simply been done.

The existing tact is a waste of time, energy and money… let’s get smart… PLEASE!