Town & Country Real Estate

Town & Country Hamptons 3rd Quarter 2016 Home Sales Report

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2016 3rd Quarter Home Sales in the Hamptons was, well frankly… all over the place.

This year to year statistical comparison shows definite signs of growth.

East Hampton Village set a new high watermark for Median Home Sales Price at $5.25M. All 8 home sales during these months were over $2M — “very impressive Median Home Sales Price, possibly a national statistic”, states Judi Desiderio, Chief Executive Officer.

Hot Montauk, more than doubled the amount of home sales from 8 in 2015 to 17 in 2016. Furthermore, the Total Home Sales Volume tripled year over year with a 198% leap to nearly $28M from $9M.

The Bridgehampton market (which includes WaterMill and Sagaponack) remained the top earner with $125M trading hands during July, August and September of this year. The Median Home Sales Price was a solid $3.9M, a 42% jump from last year’s $2.75M.

All Hamptons Markets Combined showed a respectable increase of 5% in the Number of Home Sales and a rise of 8.5% in Total Home Sales Volume, yet the Median Home Sales Price dropped 13% to only $850,000.

Looking back at our last bull market of 2014 and clearly you see the pull back since then when 410 homes close, with $760 million trading hands.

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