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Posts Tagged ‘market conditions’


Mixed Signal

Second quarter 2016 statistics have been released and they are not sending clear signals by any means. On one hand, The National Association of Realtors reported that home prices rose in 83% of the nation's 178 major real estate markets....

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U.S. Home Sales Strike A 9 Year High

Last week the N.A.R., National Association of Realtors, released their report on existing home sales for the month of May. The 1.8% increase to an annual rate of 5.53 million units, was the highest level since February 2007, and sales were ...

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Brexit, Done!

This morning, we all awoke to a changed world… again! A historic number of British voters came out to be heard. When the polls were all done, by a mere 3.78%, the UK decided to exit the European Union (EU). No one knows for certa...

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New Home Sales Hit Heights-not-seen-since-2008

US Commerce Department released its April report on purchases of single-family homes sales which jumped nearly 17% from the month earlier to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of $619,000. This was the fastest pace since January 2008. Add...

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Strongest First Quarter Sales in a Decade

The New York State Association of Realtors announced its NYSAR first quarter report 2016 on Real Estate activity in the state, and it contained excellent news! “Three consecutive months of sales growth fueled the best start to the New York...

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2015 Home Sales Poised To Reach 2007 Levels

The National Association of Realtors September report confirmed what Realtors across the United States have been experiencing. Existing home sales climbed to a seasonally adjusted rate of 5.55 million or 4.7% — a huge gain of nearly 8% over 2...

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