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Posts Tagged ‘Housing Market’

National Home Ownership Month

Today homeownership is 64.2%– one of the lowest levels in history. The peak was back in 2004 when we hit nearly 70% (69.2% to be exact) of all Americans owning their own home. Why is home ownership so important that it is referred to as "T...

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Real Estate News: East End Real Estate & AirBNB

The Sag Harbor Express hosted an informational luncheon forum on the topic of AirBNB and what impact short term rentals are having on our communities. The lunch, held at the American Hotel, included the following panel members: Jay S...

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Kaplan 56 Middle Lane, East Hampton - Front Facade

National Homes Sales Are Rocking!

The National Association of Realtors has released the first quarter home sales report for 2017 and the numbers are impressive. Total existing-home sales rose 1.4% to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 5.64 million. This was the highes...

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Strongest First Quarter Sales in a Decade

The New York State Association of Realtors announced its NYSAR first quarter report 2016 on Real Estate activity in the state, and it contained excellent news! “Three consecutive months of sales growth fueled the best start to the New York...

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2015 Home Sales Poised To Reach 2007 Levels

The National Association of Realtors September report confirmed what Realtors across the United States have been experiencing. Existing home sales climbed to a seasonally adjusted rate of 5.55 million or 4.7% — a huge gain of nearly 8% over 2...

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Us Home Sales Market Continues Its Ascend

Several months back I blogged about how the housing market was going to be the main driver for the US economy, and fortunately for every homeowner, this has come to fruition. NOW LET’S HEAR FROM THE EXPERTS! The National Association of ...

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Housing Market Fully Recovered

February marked the first month in 7 years — since the crash—that US Home Prices rose at the fastest pace as buyers jumped in before prices and interest rates rise too much. Standard & Poor’s Case/ Shiller index jumped 9.3%. This widely...

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Inventory At 13 Year Lows

We all know of the scales of ‘supply & demand’ and how the price of any item is determined by this balance… or imbalance. Here at Town & Country we have been blogging about how our particular housing market on the Eastern End of Long Isl...

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