Town & Country Real Estate

Southamptons “Dragon Head” To Be Torn Down

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The well known “Dragon Head”, purchased in 2003 by Calvin Klein, on famed Meadow Lane in Southampton is beginning its transformation. Demolition has begun on this very original design home, one of the largest on the east end, and known for its indoor shark tank, among other amenities of the home.

Originally a summer home for the duPonts in 1924, the home sits on 7 breathtaking oceanfront acres. In the 1970s it was owned by Andy Warhol protegee Baby Jane Holtzer and in 1980 financier Barry Trupin transformed the home and named it “Dragon Head”.

Klein now intends to erect a 17,500 square foot modern compound that will feature concrete and plenty of glass to let in all the natural beauty of the ocean. And so with the start of Kleins “new” house, we see the beginning of the end of “Dragon Head”.