Town & Country Real Estate

SAG Harbor Cinema On The Market

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CALLING ALL CPF (Community Preservation Fund) MANAGERS!!!

The Sag Harbor Cinema, at 90 Main Street in Sag Harbor, is up for sale according to The Sag Harbor Express newspaper. The article can be read online at

The article calls upon Steven Spielberg to consider buying the building for a film school with a community focus. A great idea!

It is my opinion that this is piece of history is a PRIME candidate for CPR acquisition. Much like Poxybogue Golf Course, the Sag Harbor Cinema has been a part of the community landscape for many years. This is the sort of purchase many expect the CPF money to be spent on… integral components of our Main Streets that would be sorely missed if they disappeared.

Now is the time to share your voice and opinion. Write, call or Blog today.

Judi Desiderio, CEO