Town & Country Real Estate

Sag Harbor Boat Party

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Sean Scanlon once again hosted the annual “Barcelona Point Boat Party” on Sunday, August 3rd. This year the party had to be moved to Mashomack Point – something about not being able to get a “party permit” from the Town of East Hampton – but thanks to Shelter Island the party took place without incident. What a beautiful day – sunny, warm weather and the views of Sag Harbor and Shelter Island were picturesque. It seemed to me that this years “floating Woodstock” had a record attendance. I think there were over 500 boats – from little dingys to major yachts all having a great time. Even the jelly fish seemed to corporate and stayed out of the harbor so the swimmers could float around without getting zapped with their tentacles.

This party usually takes place at the beginning of August (saturation month for locals) and gets us through the rest of the summer reminding us of why we live here – where else can you go to listen to live bands play music on a floating barge sitting on a raft, tube or whatever you can get to float in the water. This is one party in the Hamptons that should not be missed. It is not about who you are or your financial status – just about people from all walks of life getting together to have good clean fun. This party puts a smile on your face and reminds you of why you are so lucky to have a piece of real estate in the Hamptons!
Thank you Sean for all your time and efforts and to the sponsors – Patrick E. Malloy and Strongs Marina