Town & Country Real Estate

Recession in the Hamptons?

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Just recently I was out and about looking at houses for a customer in Southampton Village – the estate section to be exact. I could not believe the amount of construction going on there. On one block there were so many contractors’ trucks that they had one of the workers directing traffic. What’s interesting was that on the same day, the morning business news was all doom and gloom and one would think the Great Depression was just around the corner. I know our economy in not in the best shape but sometimes the media takes things to an extreme. It was a good feeling to see that the Hamptons’ is Defying Economic Gravity. If you have never driven around the Estate Section of Southampton, you must, it is probably some of the most beautiful real estate you will see. Each time I go there, the beauty of all the old houses, landscaping and the beaches just takes my breath away. Be careful not to get caught in the “trade parade traffic jam” on Ox Pasture!