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Have You Read The News???

By Judi Desiderio, Sunday, May 27, 2012
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Unless you live under a gigantic rock, you’ve had to notice the press Real Estate has had recently. We have been BLOGGING and discussing how our little microcosm of the world has enjoyed a healthy uptick since this past winter. More inquiries, more appointments, more showings, more sales! Some said it was a mild winter, some said it was the interest rates, some said it was the stock market…I believe it was not only all of the above, but also the fact that we’re off the bottom! You can only stand on the sideline so long, before you just have to jump in…and that’s exactly what happened. It’s actually been 7 years since the height of the market – over all sales activity – That’s a long correctionary market.

HEADLINES NOW READ: – 5/22/12 – Homes Sales Surge in April, Up 10%…that was a year over year statistic on new home sales
ABC – 5/22/12 – Home Sales Jump 3.4% in April…that was compared to the prior month for existing home sales – 5/22/12 – New Home Sales Climb in April…similar coverage to CNN – 5/24/12 – East Hampton Home Sales Boost Green Fund..the Peconic Bay Regional Community Preservation Fund collected $6.1M in April 2012 22% more than 2011.

The reports just keep coming. Finally, the media has stopped it’s Real Estate bashing, and guess what…that’s right, buyers began feeling more comfortable with their decision to buy! Sometimes all it takes is reassurance to move a market-confidence the world isn’t going to crack open and suck us all in. Enjoy the healthy market conditions!