Town & Country Real Estate

East Hampton vs Pseg

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Today there was a Town Hall meeting, which most people were unaware of, regarding the new obnoxious utility poles being erected by PSEG.
The public was not invited to speak.. in fact the public wasn’t invited period!
Those of us who went, mostly spilled out in the hallway with no ability to hear anything.
There seemed to be 4 local members of the concerned public and a table full of PSEG representatives all there to discuss this violation to our community.
I’m not even going to address the lack of advance notice, or that microphones were not used so the hearing was limited…
I’m just going to go straight to the subject at hand…
I’ve yet to find one person who feels the utility poles we have are congruous with our landscape and regions.
Not one person who declares “put more up”
In fact
Many years ago, East Hampton, like most East End towns began requiring that all utilities be buried to preserve the rural beauty of our area.
So why then or how did we come to this place where more of these obnoxious poles are being installed and there was no public notices sent, and no public comment allowed
And, in fact, little thought or regard to safeguarding what we all need to preserve—the natural beauty of our country roads.

Who is going to launch an online petition to let our municipalities and PSEG know our thoughts?
There are suggestions available as to how to accomplish the objective without destroying our visual landscape.

Please weigh in