Town & Country Real Estate

Don’t take it just from us how good our associates are! Take it from the press!

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Town and Country carefully choose its professionals. Judi Desiderio’s expertise and Quarterly East End Market Insight reports are sought after sources of information. And information is what clients and customers alike need more than anything else for the most important business decisions people make: Real Estate decisions. Buy or sell? Hold on and rent/lease? How do I price my property if I decide to sell? How long are properties on the market? Are we past the bottom of the Market? No other reports more closely follow the specific East End, South Fork and North Fork, Real Estate Markets than Judi Desiderio’s reports – more than just statistics, because they include Judi’s daily experience as well. But our experience also shows in the press quotes of our associates: Cathleen Doldon was interviewed by Long Island Business News, I was quoted in the Suffolk Times last week on local RE conditions. Many of our listings were featured in articles in Newsday and other newspapers and magazines. Local papers have covered lots of events our brokers participate in or organized, such as Newsday’s article on the Art Openings for Hamptons Artists in the Southold Office of Town and Country! So don’t just take it from us how good our associates are: Take it from the press!