Town & Country Real Estate

CPF Fund Back In The Money!

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The Peconic Bay Community Preservation Fund, or CPF tax is a 2% tax charged to the purchaser of real property on the East End (over minimal levels) since it’s inception in 1998.
We have discussed the parameters of this tax and the ramifications many times in this T&C BLOG, so I won’t bore you with the details.
BIG NEWS on the CPF front is the first quarter deposits to the fund… nearly twice that of a year ago!
In the first 3 months of 2013, $20.23 Million was raised in comparison to the same period in 2012 when $10.5 Million was collected.
$800 Million dollars total in the past 15 years has been accumulated for the sole purpose of preserving the beauty and light here in our little slice of Heaven.
So the next time you are sitting at that long awaiting closing table, and have to write out yet one more check to the Peconic Bay Community Preservation Fund, you can smile knowing this one is truly going to a useful means of preserving the reason you chose to purchase on the East End—it’s natural beauty!