Town & Country Real Estate

Another EHT Land Acquisition

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The East Hampton Town Board voted unanimously to spend $385,000 in community preservation funds to purchase #8 Deer Path, a 1.1 acre parcel in Springs.

Open space is the intended use for this property.

Around the corner from this parcel is a building lot at the top of Three Mile Harbor Road, where the road makes a right angle turn to the south.. it is such a bad place that a few years back a young woman died in a car that didn’t navigate the turn properly.

I have personally called and written to EHT Board about purchasing this parcel so no one builds on it.. I can’t imagine what it would be like to try to enter & exit a driveway on this deadly turn.. and still no reply???

It’s MUCH less expensive than Deer Path and could save more lives to come

Town & Country would donate our entire commission to get this done!

I hope someone’s listening out there!