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East Hampton Airport Rules Stir Trouble

By Judi Desiderio, Wednesday, April 22, 2015
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A great debate resulted in East Hampton Town Board approving curfews from 11pm to 7am on ALL flights and 8pm to 9am on “noisy” aircraft. Additionally, the limit of one weekly round trip for each individual aircraft created more controversy. While no one will argue that aircraft traffic has increased dramatically and better air traffic patterns are necessary, homeowners who purchase on or near the main road and rail line will tell you activity around their homes have increased comparatively. It is apparent all forms of transportation are operating at maximum, or close to maximum capacity.

A balance between commerce and conservation once again are laid on the table for all to weigh in on. Everyone has an opinion as to that balance, but the decisions are made by those voted into office. These decisions were made, and now the commerce side of the equation believes the town has over stepped its authority. There was just a lawsuit filed in US District Court against the Town of East Hampton to block these restrictions on grounds they violate Federal Aviation Administration guidelines. The suit quotes the 1990 Airport Noise and Capacity Act and the US Constitution’s supremacy and interstate commerce clauses.

I believe when we are able to look in the rearview mirror at this one we will have wished we could have worked together to avoid this path to the best resolution.

What are your thoughts on the matter? What do you believe the final outcome will be? How much money will this cost tax payers? How many years will we be in litigation?