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7 Essential Characteristics Your Broker Needs

By Judi Desiderio, Friday, May 10, 2013
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  • Experience… years in the industry ensures your agent has earned his/her stripes yet a progressive thinker captures more attention for your home. He / she should be seasoned enough to do a walk through with you and make recommendations as to improvements needed to net you the highest price.. sometimes it can be as simple as powerwashing the exterior of the home to , let’s redecorate a bit—and stage your home so buyers focus on the room and how to best design the interiors.
  • Market knowledge .. agents you interview should come with a CMA or comparable sold & available homes in your vicinity & price point. They should have the depth to speak knowledgably about recent sales, pending deals, and what today’s customer is looking for—gives you insight.
  • Advertising team.. today’s real estate world is vastly different that even 10 years ago.. the internet is the source of half of all buyer leads today therefore internet exposure, export feeds etc are all imperative. The agency behind the agent should have a marketing team who focus all different mediums such as traditional print, internet, direct mail & in-house clientele lists. Does the Broker have the resources needed to cast a wide net for you?
  • Pricing genius.. the agent who gives you the highest suggested asking price is not always your best choice.. in fact most times they can cost you valuable time & money. Too many agents will tell sellers what they want to hear just to get the listing.. don’t be romanced. I always say, the truth doesn’t always win friends and influence people but the truth is what prevails.. and when you are in the business as long as I am, reputation is paramount. The facts are what you need to make an educated decision—once you see the comps (sold comparable properties) and you see what your competition is then you can clearly see the range your home should be priced in. Then listen to your agent as to what their recommendation is and ask WHY? Pricing is one of the most important and one of the most difficult aspects of a successful outcome.
  • Communication expert … your agent should take the time necessary to LISTEN to you first and foremost,, hear what your motivation to sell is and the timing that is optimal for you. Then he/she should keep you continually apprised of all their marketing efforts and any feedback so that together you can tick & check.
  • There for you… in today’s high speed world of instant gratification timely responses are critical. This could mean the difference of getting the sale or losing it! Your agent needs to be accessible 7 days / week. Obviously no one works 365 days a year—though most power brokers come very close—they should be accessible by phone, text or email… and if they can not be present for a showing or inspection, that’s fine, provided they coordinate, over see and have a qualified associate assist on their behalf.
  • World class negotiator… once a potential buyer is engaged, your lead broker should be the only one negotiating for you. His or her skills becomes the clincher. In my professional opinion, negotiation skills are the last to develop in sales people, yet some are natural negotiators and others will always find limitations there. In your initial interview of agents, you will be able to ascertain their negotiation skills by how confidently they navigate the conversation of pricing, positioning and commission rate. You want to hire the broker who will close the deal skillfully in the most favorable light for you—the client!